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Why do I always dream of her? | Kunal Roy | Poem

                                                                                                                                                Photo Curtesy : Internet
Why do I always dream of her?
 Kunal Roy

Why do I always dream of her? 
At midnight when the owls hoot,
at the sultry, grey afternoon when -
the birds rest and the trees are silent! 
At the hour of shutting eyes 
and the drowsy charms kiss my lids.
At the hour of delving deep into thoughts,
at the moment of leisure -
I always envision her! 

Is it because of my love? 
Is it because of the moments of rejoice?
Is it because the heart cannot erase her thoughts?
Is it because of the care I took of her? 
Is it because of the tears fell from my eyes -
at the sight of slightest scratch? 

She was the closest! 
My mother : 
The anguish I bore,
the loss I suffered,
the separation I still endure! 
People come,
people leave,
but - 
she is always there
to come in my dreams -
in every single night
to sooth the ached sinews,
to embalm the aching heart,
to remove the tears of my eyes!!

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