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A DROP OF ROMANCE | Kunal Roy | Article


Kunal Roy

Love is free and there is no individual strong enough to grip the emotion and turn the tide to his or her favour. Fragile though, it occupies a place of great importance and significance in our heart and soul. Love bolstered by passion sets the two minds on fire and they feel to move from one plane to another, paying least heed to the surrounding turf! 
    The morning metro chugged into the station on this sun soaked morning. The compartment was jam-packed. The jostling crowd either glued to the screen of the mobile phone or burst into a peal of laughter to enjoy the ride before the destination raised its eye brow to cater a different dimension to the yarn! Amid, a couple entered the compartment and managed to stand erect in front of me. Surprisingly the man held the same structure of balance which I held to put a halt to the oscillating impact! They were close to one another, encouraged in an amorous discourse and threw a kiss against her. Little later he planted a kiss on her forehead and his passionate approach was enough to prove that he was equally keen to touch the cleavage of her chubby breast! Some eyes could not be taken away from them. The uninterrupted journey, but the scene provoked to savour the delight hidden in such a chemistry! 
    Love doesn't agree with any kind of social equation. At times there is a sheer lack of modesty. Perhaps such people deeply believe that "modesty in love can at times be a mistake". It is not a criminal offence to coax and cajol someone nor love making is a grave issue which will be dragged to the room of court for the punishment to be pronounced in public! But our sense of discipline and decorum ought to prevail in the public domain! We cannot afford to be uncivilized or uncouth all the times. 
    Love is a sweet, tender emotion which aids us to continue with our sustenance, but we must also pay some respect to this fluttering emotion. Making love in public or encouraging in some obnoxious acts is not an act of chivalry, after all!!

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