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Are We Always Wrong? A View | Kunal Roy

Are We Always Wrong? A View
Kunal Roy

When we talk about the modern generation, innumerable questions begin to peep through the nook and cranny of our mind. We sit and love to indulge in a conversation which surrounds the ethos of modernity! Some support, some are oblivious to the matter, some are listless and some literally love to indulge in an incorrigible criticism! 
    The modern age has a typical poignant question in its store: " Are we always wrong?". The statement melts into a state of argument and finally into something severe in the accepted sense of term. It is true that the youngsters of this very hour are arrogant, proud, prodigal, don't love to listen to the words of seniors and elders. Always love to argue, disobey, quarrel, encourage in an indecent attitude and other nefarious activities which simply range from consuming drugs to mingle with the bad company to the returning home at late nights to the attending of cocktail parties and the list simply moves forward!!
    But there lies a question behind all such incisive complaints and allegations : " Do we ever try to understand them? ", " do we ever try to talk with them?", "do we every try to assess the tempest of their heart and soul? ". The answers to such questions are still left to be unanswered! We remain speechless. The reason is obvious. We know pretty well that we have never budged an inch from our position nor ever attempted to bring them under a comfortable shade and motivate them to tranquil their state of turbulence. After all it is easy to raise the finger, but not the perfect path to follow and fathom the essence of humanity! 
     If knowledge is an ocean, life is a simple boat swimming on that ocean, despite all odds! It is completely a pointless exercise to thrash them, use the weapon of abusive language, weaken their mind and spirit and make them feel worthless. All these will yield nothing but a total failure. On the other hand, make them understand their importance in life and society, their worth in family, their responsibility and the journey they ought to embark on to achieve something substantial in future! It should always be borne in mind that times have changed, mindsets have changed and above all the way of perception has undergone a sea change! Thus matching the steps with the flow of time is the desire of the Lord. In fact we cannot go against the 'current', believe it or not!!

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