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THE MID DAY DECAY... | Kunal Roy


Kunal Roy

People don't change, rather they don't want to change themselves, no matter what kind of situation appears before them! 
    It was late afternoon. The tea was served. The chats were in full swing. However, there was a suppressed breeze of anxiety and despair. The formal talks were also on. Amid, all of a sudden an individual made an obnoxious remark which shook the other's soul. The latter objected to the matter and shouted at him, something not surprising, but a part of his natural instincts. He seems to be always in a belligerent mood. Dejection might have engulfed his sense of rationality and thus making the ill approach the one and only weapon to counter any story!!
    The storm didn't stop. Comments flowed. I too was a part of the story.  However, the remark was made against the former one, followed by sharing a light laughter with a professionally close individual!  I was taken aback to find ' him' screaming at me and drawing references to nurture a sense of impunity!! It was not about me! Shockingly abusive, I believe!! I didn't respond to his misbehaviour and the sick mentality he showed to prove his false worth!!  Silence fell on the ground to begin another adventure of formalities!!
    I still flunk to pull out the true motive behind such a 'malignant' reaction. And it was not the first time. He often does this with me unreasonably.  Is it out of sheer envy or any other ground hidden from the view? The bulging eyes, the clenching teeth, the visible, inflated vocal  sinews and the raised forefinger are still dangling incorrigibly in front of my eyes!  It is not that I looking for a chance to pay him back on the same coin! But I shall not leave any stone unturned to speak up to douse the fire in me! Later the Lord will look after the matter to deliver a justice!
    We often forget that everything is not in our gentle arms! At times our expertise is determined by someone else who is superior to us in every tiny fold! Any kind of good proposal can be denied blatantly, if the superior doesn't think him or her to be a perfect match for the task! So it is completely a pointless exercise to taunt anyone, to shout at a person! After all, only the tip of the iceberg is visible and the wrong judgement becomes an undeniable factor. Any explanation?

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